Call For Abstracts
DEADLINE: February 1, 2009
Deadline for abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations has been extended to February 1, 2009 for IRS and ISIAN consideration only. ARS deadline of December 1, 2008 has passed. However, all submissions will be through the ARS link below.
Registrants are invited to submit one or more abstracts for presentation (in English).
Topics may include clinical or basic science research, surgical techniques or case presentations. Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentation and will be peer-reviewed and selected for presentation based upon merit and relevance. The organizers are encouraging the submission of papers for the meeting which include innovative surgical techniques or methods of management of specific problems.
Abstract submission will be carried out through the American Rhinologic Society website. Go to click "Call for Abstracts" then the ARS link, read the Abstract submission guidelines, and then click on the event to begin abstract submission. Registrants will be notified of abstract acceptance by December 15, 2008.
The International Rhinologic Society will award prizes for the best oral presentation and best poster. Best oral presentation will receive $1000, and best poster will receive $500. In order to be eligible, papers must be submitted to one of the two official IRS Journals, Rhinology or American Journal of Rhinology, at least three (3) weeks prior to the Rhinology World 2009 meeting (deadline: March 25, 2009).
Submit Abstracts via American Rhinologic Society (ARS) site
Submissions will follow American Rhinologic Society (ARS) guidelines.